Creates a table column. Must be nested inside a cf_sebTable.
Attribute |
Req/Opt |
Default |
Description |
type |
optional |
The data type of this column. |
dbfield |
optional |
The name of the field in the table (or query) from cf_sebTable. Required unless link is provided or DataType is "checkbox". |
label |
optional |
The label for the column heading or the link text if the link attribute is provided (defaults to the value of the dbfield attribute. |
link |
optional |
A url for a link. This url will be appeded with the value of the pkfield from cf_sebTable. so link="page.cfm?id=" would be sent to the browser as "page.cfm?id=2" where the value of the pkfield is "2". |
show |
optional |
A boolean value indicating whether to show this column. This can also be the name of a field that holds a boolean value indicating whether to show this column. If a field name is preceded by "!", the value opposite of the field value will be used. |
noshowalt |
optional |
What will show up in the column if the value isn't show (due to the "show attribute"). |
header |
optional |
The for the top of the column if different from the label (which could also show as value for certain column types). |
header_img |
optional |
If you want the column to use an image as a header, enter the src here. |
header_img_width |
optional |
The width of the header image (required with header_img) |
header_img_height |
optional |
The height of the header image (required with header_img) |
xhtml |
optional |
true |
Indicates whether XHTML-compliant code should be used. |
width |
optional |
The width of this column. |
style |
optional |
The style applied to this column. |
subquery |
optional |
The name of a query to retrieve options. |