CodeCop 1.0
CodeCop is a ColdFusion code checker. It will selected read code on the local system and report back possible issues.
It is fully configurable and you can choose which rules it will use to determine possible issues or even make your own rules.
It will run in or out of the ColdFusion administrator on CFMX 6.1 and above. It will install itself on any database supported by DataMgr.
- Installation ( 1.5 minutes, 524K, April 23, 2007 )
Included Rules (fully editable):
- Don't use a relative URL in cfschedule
- Use the accept attribute when uploading a file
- Avoid Evaluate()
- Don't start includes with /
- Avoid Shared Scopes in CFCs
- Prefer isDefined() over ParameterExists()
- Don't nest cflock tags
- Use hint attribute of cfcomponent and cffunction
- Prefer StructKeyExists() over isDefined()
- Prefer Len Over Empty String Tests
Download CodeCop (from RIAForge)