I handle sending of email notices. The advantage of using Mailer instead of cfmail is that I can be instantiated with information and then passed as an object to a component that sends email, circumventing the need to pass a bunch of email-related information to each component that sends email.
hierarchy: | WEB-INF.cftags.component com.sebtools.Mailer |
properties: | |
methods: | init, addNotice, getDataKeys, getFrom, getNotices, send, sendNotice, startLogging, stopLogging |
init |
public Mailer init ( required string MailServer, required string From, string To="", string username="", string password="" ) I instantiate and return this object. Output: supressed Parameters: MailServer: string, required, MailServer From: string, required, From To: string, optional, To username: string, optional, username password: string, optional, password |
addNotice |
getDataKeys |
public string getDataKeys ( required string name ) I get the datakeys for the given email notice. The datakeys are the items that can/should be overridden by incoming data. Output: supressed Parameters: name: string, required, name |
getFrom |
public string getFrom ( ) Output: supressed |
getNotices |
public string getNotices ( ) Output: supressed |
send |
public boolean send ( required string To, required string Subject, required string Contents, string From="[runtime expression]", string CC="", string BCC="", string ReplyTo="", string Attachments="", string html="", string text="", string username="", string password="", string FailTo="", string mailerID="ColdFusion MX Application Server", string wraptext="800" ) I send an email message and indicate if the send was successful. Output: supressed Parameters: To: string, required, To Subject: string, required, Subject Contents: string, required, Contents From: string, optional, From CC: string, optional, CC BCC: string, optional, BCC type: string, optional, type ReplyTo: string, optional, ReplyTo Attachments: string, optional, Attachments html: string, optional, html text: string, optional, text username: string, optional, username password: string, optional, password FailTo: string, optional, FailTo mailerID: string, optional, mailerID wraptext: string, optional, wraptext |
sendNotice |
public void sendNotice ( required string name, struct data ) I send set/override any data based on the data given and send the given notice. Output: supressed Parameters: name: string, required, name data: struct, optional, data data will have a key for every variable that can be set in notice (any argument of addNotice and anything between [ and ]. Value of said will be replaced with value of key in data struct. |
startLogging |
public void startLogging ( required any DataMgr ) I make sure that all email sent from Mailer is logged in the mailerLogs table of the datasource managed by the given DataMgr. Output: supressed Parameters: DataMgr: any, required, DataMgr |
stopLogging |
public void stopLogging ( ) I stop the logging of email sent from Mailer. Output: supressed |