Seeking a JavaScript Framework (Part 3: Success!)

So far, I've covered what I want in a JavaScript Framework and then I covered several popular JavaScript frameworks and why none of them are what I want.

Just when I was about to despair, however, I ran across a little-regarded framework that does just what I want.

Just to rehash quickly, here are my criteria:


Seeking a JavaScript Framework (Part 2: Reviews)

Last time, I covered what I want from a JavaScript framework (and a bit about why). I don't want to rehash all of that (you could read the entry if you cared), but let's start with the table of what I want from the end of the previous entry.


Seeking a JavaScript Framework (Part 1: Criteria)

Over the course of a few years, I gradually let my JavaScript skills atrophy. My programming partner had more interest in it than I did and so it seemed more efficient to have him do more JavaScript work than I did. That, of course, led to him becoming more efficient at it. A reinforcing cycle quickly ensued.

A little over a year ago, I realized that the pattern had gone too far and decided I needed to slowly start doing a bit more and build those muscles back.

As I have been regaining those skills, I've noticed that our JavaScript is less organized than I would like.


BlogCFC was created by Raymond Camden. This blog is running version 5.8.001.