SQL Excluding Record sets

I was eating with another speaker at cf.Objective() (I am resolved to find a way to work my having spoken at a conference into all future anecdotes) and an interesting SQL question came up: How to delete everything except the first 1000 records. To my mind, this brought up a general class of problems in SQL. Which is, returning results that exclude the result of a query.

With that in mind, let's look at a few of those.

Not IN

This is the approach most likely to work for an UPDATE or DELETE query. Let's take a look at an example of getting all of the records in a table except the first 1000 records.

SELECT   LogID, LogDate
FROM   logs
WHERE   1 = 1
   AND   LogID NOT IN (
         SELECT      TOP 1000 LogID
         FROM      logs
         ORDER BY   LogDate

This is pretty simple and effective. The nice thing to note here is that this is not a correlated subquery, so it should execute pretty fast.

This can easily be applied to a DELETE query:

FROM   logs
WHERE   1 = 1
   AND   LogID NOT IN (
         SELECT      TOP 1000 LogID
         FROM      logs
         ORDER BY   LogDate

EXCEPT Queries

While this one isn't really useful for UPDATE and DELETE queries, it is still a handy tool to have in your toolbox. I have found that most developers are familiar with UNION queries, but unfamiliar with its close cousins EXCEPT and INTERSECT.

Here is an example of a UNION query.

SELECT      LogID, LogDate
FROM      logs
WHERE      LogName = 'Alpha'
SELECT      LogID, LogDate
FROM      logs
WHERE      LogName = 'Bravo'

A UNION query returns all rows that match either the query above the UNION statement of the query below it, so this would return a combination of results where LogName is "Alpha" and where it is "Bravo". In this case, it would clearly be better to use a single query with LogName IN ('Alpha','Bravo'), but the point is just to examine how these things work.

It is important to note that with UNION (and EXCEPT and INTERSECT) queries, the ORDER BY statement has to be at the end and applies to the entire result set. You can't apply it to just one side of the UNION operator. Also note that the column names and data types must match in both queries (though aliases can be used to achieve the column name match).

An EXCEPT query work much like a UNION query except that it returns all rows in the first excluding those that exist in the second query.

SELECT      LogID, LogDate
FROM      logs
WHERE      LogName IN ('Alpha','Bravo','Charlie')
SELECT      LogID, LogDate
FROM      logs
WHERE      LogName = 'Bravo'

This would return records only where LogName is "Alpha" or "Charlie". Again, a simple LogName IN ('Alpha','Charlie') would be superior for this particular example, but sometimes very complicated SQL (especially hitting different tables) can provide scenarios where this is advantageous.


Even though they often involve correlated subqueries which can potentially drag down performance a bit, I really love NOT EXISTS queries. They so often express just exactly what you mean and I love it when my SQL is accurately expressive of my intent. Fortunately, I have found that for most situations NOT EXISTS performs very well (your mileage may very, of course).

In this case, let's delete any users that haven't made any sales calls.

FROM   users
         SELECT   1
         FROM   salescalls
         WHERE   UserID = users.UserID

Note that the "WHERE UserID = users.UserID" means that this is a correlated subquery which means that the subquery is getting executed for every single record returned by the outer query (every row in the users table, in this example). If that outer query will return a very high number of records (in this example, if the users table has a lot of records) then this could be slow. If the outer query is returning a relatively modest number of records, however, then the performance should be decent and the expressiveness of this syntax is very convenient. Someone readying the query later should know just want you intended - even if you forget to comment it.

This certainly isn't an exhaustive coverage of the topic, but I wanted to get these things down while I was thinking of them.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
I was one of those developers who was unaware of EXCEPT and INTERSECT... but not any more thanks to your post Steve. Unfortunately they're not supported in MySQL, which might explain why they're not better known.

I'm also a fan of EXISTS for the same reason as you.
# Posted By Julian Halliwell | 7/17/11 3:50 AM
Nice post Steve,
I loved the subtle cf.objective reference :)
# Posted By John Whish | 7/17/11 8:39 AM

I'm sorry to hear that MySQL doesn't support EXCEPT. I think it is been in the SQL standard for some time now.


Thanks! Future anecdotes may have to resort to lame "Before I was a speaker at cf.Objective...", but I am not above that! ;-)
# Posted By Steve Bryant | 7/17/11 9:46 PM
if you're talking about not deleting 1000 queries and want to remove the rest - if the rest means actually times more rows than what you try to keep,
I'd go with copying those 1000 to a temp table, and run truncate command on the original table, of course only if you're granted to do that; truncate does not delete row after row, is times more faster;
# Posted By Lazeg | 11/4/11 11:50 AM
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