DataMgr 2.5 Alpha 1
It has been seven months since DataMgr 2.2
New to DataMgr 2.5 Alpha 1:
- Ability to extend DataMgr
- New Methods:
- loadXml():
- Ability to introspect database tables.
- Special Date Type setting
- Named Filters
- Indexes
- Ability to exclude columns from multi-row get queries (see useInMultiRecordsets).
- "fieldlist" argument restriction for data changes
- "advsql" argument now available for update methods
- Defaults for init() "datasource" argument:
- Application.datasource, if defined
- empty string (simulated database), otherwise
- Fixes
- getDatabaseXml() now always accurately reports just the database schema.
- Relation fields that use themselves now error instead of producing an infinite loop.
- "maxrows" argument now works in Derby
With this release I am adding new features to the documentation as I add them. Note that you can view the documentation for any version just by indicating the version in the URL (it defaults to the most recent version in full release) or use the change log to view documentation for past versions.
Feel free to download DataMgr 2.5 Alpha 1 (zip) or use the repository for the Bleeding Edge Release. For the latest full release, use the DataMgr RIAForge page. DataMgr is open source and free for any use.
Congrats on your great work with DataMgr! Have you ever considered adding a file based option for database types? Something that would allow in memory queries but that could save table data to a file format like xml or maybe as .XLS files.
Thanks. I have thought about doing WDDX files (I even have support for 1.0 features for that format locally), but I haven't made the time to finish it. I have also thought about a RAM option where the data would only persist with DataMgr (for fast temporary data storage).
I hadn't considered an XLS option, but that would be possible with CF9's cfspreadsheet (or using CFPOI) and would be an interesting option.
Thanks for the thoughts!