sebtags Beta 3 (joy of open source)

I have the third beta of my sebtags custom tag set ready now at RIAForge. I spent a lot of time fixing how things worked in ways that I have intended to fix for a long time, but was not properly motivated to do so. Nothing like releasing something to the public to motivate you to clean things up. The code is still ugly, but the functionality is what counts.

Among the fixes, the librarypath attribute now defaults to "/lib/" instead of "lib/". This corrects a mistake a made when I first started developing the tags. You can also set a skinpath attribute if you want the folder holding skin files to be elsewhere than "#attributes.librarypath#skins" (the default).

I finally cleaned up the skins as part of this release. You can see the current skins select on my demonstration site. Hopefully I will get more suggestions on good skins that I can get added in before the final release (coming soon, I think).

Most of the other changes were rather minor or would be difficult to explain here (though I hope to have more blog entries out soon).

I have a few entries on cf_sebForm (see the related entries as well). Although you can see the other two tags in action, I do hope to start blogging about cf_sebTable and cf_sebMenu soon.

The sebtags custom tag set which is open source and free for any use.

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