Uploading Files with cf_sebForm

In my ongoing series about using cf_sebForm, I have so far left out one important feature - the ability to upload files. This is essential functionality whether you are saving a record or sending email.

Fortunately, this is easy to do in cf_sebForm, just add a cf_sebField tag of type="file" and indicate the location in which the file should be placed.

For example, if I wanted to upload a file to the "/files/" folder on my site, I could use the following code:

   <cf_sebField type="file" name="MyFile" destination="#ExpandPath('/files/')#">
   <cf_sebField type="submit" label="Submit">

Note that I didn't have to specify an "enctype" on the form as cf_sebForm automatically detects the presence of a file type and sets that attribute appropriately.

If I was using this form with a CFC, then cf_sebForm would send a "MyFile" (the field name) argument with a value equal to the name of the file as it was saved on the server (but not including the path information). If I was using this form to send an email, the file would be included as an attachment on the email.

I could also include any of the following attributes for <cffile action="upload">:

  • destination
  • nameconflict (defaults to "Error")
  • mode
  • accept

In addition to using the "accept" attribute to limit the file types on the server side using the Mime-Type of the file (which will return a user-friendly error to the user on the form), I can also use the extensions attribute to create JavaScript validation on the extension of the file.

To limit the file to a PDF, for example:

   <cf_sebField type="file" name="MyFile" destination="#ExpandPath('/files/')#" accept="application/pdf" extensions="pdf">
   <cf_sebField type="submit" label="Submit">

If I want to allow the user to upload any image type, I can simply use the type of "image":

   <cf_sebField type="image" name="MyFile" destination="#ExpandPath('/files/')#">
   <cf_sebField type="submit" label="Submit">

If I want the user to see the image (or have a link to another file type) when editing a record, I can use the urlpath attribute:

   <cf_sebField type="image" name="MyFile" destination="#ExpandPath('/files/')#" urlpath="/files/">
   <cf_sebField type="submit" label="Submit">

That is all it takes to upload a file with cf_sebForm. The syntax I use is actually a bit different, but that involves some other features that I have discussed as well as a few I haven't yet.

The cf_sebForm (tag docs) custom tag is part of the sebtags custom tag set which is open source and free for any use.

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BlogCFC was created by Raymond Camden. This blog is running version 5.8.001.