Join Tables and Primary Keys

I have found that many people set up the primary keys for join tables in a manner that I find undesirable. This leaves open the possibility of some sneaky bugs in their programs.

I'll start by covering what I mean by a join table (as opposed to what I will call a data table).

Most basic data is stored in data tables. For example a "users" table is a data table, as is a "groups" table. Each row in a "users" table represents one user, as each row in a "groups" table would represent a group.

It could be, however, that each user could be in more than one group and each group could have more than one user as a member. In order to keep the database normalized, another table should represent these relationships ("users2groups").

I wouldn't classify this as a data table because each row in this table represents a relationship between two things, rather than a thing itself. So, the "users2groups" table is a join table.

I have frequently seen a structure like this for join tables:

user2group_id (primary key)

The thinking here, I imagine, is that we know that each table needs a primary key so we add one to the table. Herein lies the problem. The value of "user2group_id" represents a relationship, not data.

You won't ever look up a row using the "user2group_id" because the row has no value in isolation. Instead, you will look up rows by the user_id or the group_id.

The real problem, however, is that this allows duplication. See this sample data:

user2group_id user_id group_id
1 2 3
2 2 3

Using a user2group_id primary key allows this duplication, which has no meaning.

At first this may seem like the same problem as two rows of matching data in a data table, but it isn't. First of all, a duplicate user row means something - that two users have identical data. More than that, it is relatively easy to detect.

A duplicate row in a join table has no meaning, but it can cause problems that are difficult to debug.

The solution to this problem is simple, drop the extraneous "user2group_id" and make your primary key a compound primary key consisting of both "user_id" and "group_id".

user_id (primary key)
group_id (primary key)

This will ensure that you cannot have one relationship represented by more than one row.

You should even be able to make this change without causing any problems for your existing application. Unless, of course, you already have a relationship duplicated in the table. 

Next time you make a join table, I suggest using a compound primary key. The structure is simpler and it could help to eliminate some bugs.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
I have been known to do this for a single reason, my favorite ORM does not yet allow compound keys (though I know that is coming *very* soon). When not using ORM, I have always done the compound key because it simply makes sense from both a database indexing standpoint and an application standpoint.
# Posted By Brian Rinaldi | 5/24/07 2:42 PM
Without respect to ORM limitations that I'm not familiar with, I've never seen this. I've heard about it, but never experienced it "in the wild". At the very least, this method introduces superfluous data. At the very most, as you illustrated, it's dangerous.
# Posted By Rob wilkerson | 5/24/07 4:52 PM

I assume you mean Transfer. Fortunately, Mark said he would be adding support for compound primary keys soon.


Agreed. I have actually seen this several times (hence the entry).
# Posted By Steve Bryant | 5/24/07 6:29 PM
yes, after finishing up reading, I was just gonna bring up the ORM issue with compound keys... Good post Steve!

mmh wonder if Active Records supports compound keys...
# Posted By sal | 5/24/07 7:22 PM
If you do need to have the extra id field for ORM (or any other) purposes, you could limit the potential for the kind of bugs mentioned by declaring the two foreign keys as a unique index, i.e.

ALTER TABLE `user2groups` ADD UNIQUE ( `user_id` , `group_id` );
# Posted By TheMeek | 4/16/08 1:31 AM
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