The Best Laid Plans... (and DataMgr 2 RC4)

Most of my career, I have been either a solo developer or the most senior developer on a team. I have created a handful of open source applications in part to get feedback from other developers about my work. Be careful what you ask for...

I thought that DataMgr RC3 was really the final release under a different name and advertised it as such on my blog. Such hubris could only cost me. I convinced Peter Bell to take a look and he discovered some fairly significant bugs - including a whole feature that I had completely failed to test. He was, of course, very nice about it. Still a bit embarrassing moment none-the-less.

Just days later my friend, Jason Holden, discovered another bug (or rather, a missing feature). So much for "ready for prime time". These bug discoveries came after DataMgr 2.0 has been in production in some form for several months and I have run several tests on it (though clearly not enough).

I have since fixed the bugs that have been discovered and done a bit more testing. This has resulted in one more pre-Gold release, DataMgr 2.0 RC4. In all likelihood, this still won't be the final pre-release version as I have one more adjustment that I would like to make before DataMgr 2 goes gold.

Clearly I have a thing or two to learn about good testing. I have been looking into unit testing, but DataMgr can handle such complex situations that the idea of testing every combination of interactions seems a bit overwhelming.

Anyway, DataMgr 2.0 RC4 has been running without incident for a few days now and is ready to download.

If you find any problems with it, let me know. 

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