Podcasts in the ColdFusion Universe
I started listening to the ColdFusion Weekly this year. I got started a bit late, but I have been catching up slowly. I finally got caught up recently. Of course, as soon as I got caught up, they took a week off (just my luck).
The good news is that this gave me a chance to listen to some of the interviews on cfFrameworks.com. I haven't listened to them all yet, but so far they are really good.
Peter Bell's interview in particular really impressed me. He was able to explain concepts in an enlightening and informative way. He explained concepts that I didn't understand so that I felt like I had a good idea about them and explained subjects that I thought I understood in a way that gave me a new perspective.
I liked his definition of a framework: "A set of code and conventions that embody a set of opinions about how to solve a class of problems.". He goes on to say that without code you just have a methodology and without conventions you just have a library and without an opinion its a waste of time. I disagree with the last part, but I still think that it isn't a framework unless it embodies an opinion. Anyway, that is just a sampler from the first two minutes of the interview - good stuff.
The one drawback to the cfFrameworks interviews is that the sound quality is a little uneven and sometimes that sound seems not to be cut together right. Despite that small drawback the interviews are well worth a listen.
As to ColdFusion Weekly, that has been consistently good. The topics are good as is the production quality. I had listened to a few last year and the production quality has improved noticeably since then.
I enjoy the news coverage, but I do worry that it leaves them constrained in the amount of time available for their focus topic. Even so, that is consistently well done.
If you haven't listened to ColdFusion Weekly and the interviews on cfFrameworks.com, you should give them a try.
Another podcast is potentially in the works is one by Sean Corfield. That would certainly be worth checking out as well.
I am really excited to keep listing to these podcasts - I think I am finally starting to get the hype on podcasts.
Glad you like the cfframeworks interviews. We've learned a lot by doing them and there is some great info in the interviews. We are also aware that we have a few sound issues to resolve but hopefully we're getting better with practice.
So far, I love the interviews. As you say, great content. The sound issues certainly aren't serious enough to keep the interviews from being a good listen.
If I recall correctly ColdFusion Weekly had some sound issues when they first got started as well.