DataMgr 2.0 RC2 and Performance Testing

The second release candidate of DataMgr 2.0 is ready. I said last time that DataMgr 2.0 was feature complete, but the Nashville CFUG convinced me otherwise.

The getXml() method now returns XML for all tables if no table is passed in or if a blank string is passed in as the table name. It also now returns the XML for the Relation Fields - not sure how I missed that before.

The logAction() method now records the SQL that was used to perform an action. It converts the cfqueryparam tags into values in parenthesis for easy reading. You can also call this method even if DataMgr isn't logging (though you need to have called startLogging() at least once so that the table is created).

The documentation hasn't yet been updated with these changes, but the DataMgr demonstration site is running the newest build. 

When I visited Boston and Nashville I was asked about DataMgr's performance. As a result, I plan to run some performance tests on DataMgr. I haven't decided, however, what kind of tests I should run.

So, if you have an opinion on what kind of performance testing I should do, let me know.

Maybe I could even run the same tests on other options (cfquery / objectBreeze / Reactor / Transfer ) for comparative purposes.


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Steve, great stuff. I look forward to checking out the changes, and think you've got a nice project going here. I blogged about your preso after the meeting in Nashville, which you can see at:
# Posted By Cutter | 3/6/07 2:37 AM
Thanks for the kind words!

Fellow Nashville person (Nashvillager? Nashvillian?), Matt Williams recently used DataMgr for just the process you describe:

If you have any ideas on what kind of testing would be helpful to show how well DataMgr performs, I would love to hear them.

Nice blog, BTW. Lots of good stuff!
# Posted By | 3/6/07 1:55 PM
Sound like some really good updates! I have done a little performance testing with the datamgr (1.0) components. Table loading is heavy, but most of the simple actions have very little weight, so if you store a datamgr in the application scope after an initial delay performance was quite good.

I plan on doing a little more performance testing with the latest 2.0 and I'll let you know if I see anything particularly alarming.
# Posted By Kenton Gray | 3/6/07 2:54 PM

I am eager to see your results! (curious about your methodology as well as this is something I am trying to figure out)


I went ahead and added links on the DataMgr page to blog entries about DataMgr including yours. Of course, this just makes more obvious that DataMgr will need a page of its own soon.
# Posted By | 3/7/07 12:14 AM
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