DataMgr 2.0 Beta 3 - Getting Close!

The third beta of DataMgr 2.0 is ready and comes with some new features and with documentation. The final gold release is getting close, so any help that I can get with testing would be greatly appreciated.

The new features in Beta 3 release are:

  • You can now have relationships where the field name for one table is different than its related field in another table (see example)
  • You can now filter my concatinations (eg, filter by full name instead of first name and last name separately: see example)
  • Deprecated addColumn() in favor of the new setColumn() ( addColumn will be supported but is no longer the preferred syntax)
  • You can now use setColumn() to define columns that already exist in the database (to set "Special" values for example). This is especially handy if you don't use loadXml() but want to take advantage of "Special" functionality (see docs).
  • You now use setColumn to define relationship fields ( again, in case you don't want to use loadXml() )

The documentation for DataMgr 2.0 is now available (though it may change as I approach the final release). The new CFC docs divide up the methods into groups:

  • Major Methods: The main functionality of DataMgr
  • Informational Methods:  To get information from DataMgr
  • Support Methods: Public methods which are primarily for internal use but can be used independently as well

I have also updated the DataMgr demonstration site with examples of some of the new functionality. If you can think of any functionality that you would like to see demonstrated, let me know and I will do my best to get it added. Similarly, if you can think of any documentation or tutorials that you think would be helpful, let me know.

I am pushing for a February/March release of DataMgr 2.0, so any bug reports would be greatly appreciated (I still have a few more small features planned but most expect any new feature requests to get pushed back to a point release later on).

DataMgr is free for any use, so feel free to try it out

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