DataMgr 2.0 Beta 2 and Demo Site

A winter storm kept me in this weekend, but it also allowed me to finish up two related projects. The second beta of DataMgr 2.0 is ready as is a demonstration site that shows it in use.

DataMgr 2.0 Beta 2 has one new feature over the previous beta, which is concatenations. This allows you to concatenate two fields in the results of getRecords() without using SQL. I have also fixed a number of small bugs from the first beta.

The demonstration site shows DataMgr in use (along with layout components and some of my custom tags). It also includes links to presentations about DataMgr as well as the documentation for DataMgr 1.0 (documentation for DataMgr 2.0 should be ready soon).

The site is currently running off of MS SQL, but I hope to have it start rotating through that database as well as MS Access and MySQL to demonstrate that the same code will work on each database. While those aren't the limit of what DataMgr can support, they are the limit of databases supported by my host.

To prevent abuse, all data will be reset frequently each day.

The source code for all relevant files can also be viewed at the bottom of each page to make clear how each feature is being implemented.

If you would like a demonstration of a feature that you don't see on the site, just let me know

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