Presenting DataMgr to Users Group

I presented on DataMgr to my local users group yesterday and created a demonstration site to illustrate most of the features. 

I hope to release the demonstration site early next week and release the next beta of DataMgr 2.0 around the same time (and make the download available directly from the site). The demonstration site will also act as a test-bed for DataMgr functionality and will include links to the documentation and some notes on using DataMgr. It will allow you to actually use DataMgr to update data in the database.

This data will be periodically removed and recreated to prevent abuse. Additionally, I hope to have the application regularly switch databases. The demonstration site will demonstrate DataMgr on Access, MySQL, and MS SQL Server. I have to test it on PostGreSQL elsewhere.

The presentation also served as a bit of a dress rehearsal for my February 22nd presentation on DataMgr to the Nashville ColdFusion Users Group. After that, I would love to give presentations (in person or by Breeze/Connect dpending) to any other groups that are interested (just let me know if you are).

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How about for the Boston CFUG?
# Posted By Brian Rinaldi | 1/11/07 2:41 PM

I don't have any plans to go to Boston in the near future, so it might have to be a Breeze presentation (and therefore after the Nashville presentation so that I have had one more chance to present in front of people).

Feel free to shoot me an email (steve at my domain) and we can schedule a presentation.

# Posted By | 1/11/07 4:39 PM
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