DataMgr Presentation: Converting from CFINSERT and CFUPDATE

My second presentation (1.5 min this time) covers switching from CFINSERT/CFUPDATE to DataMgr and some of the advantages of doing so.

This presentation is the second in a series of short presentations on DataMgr.

Watch the presentation.

Feel free to download DataMgr and give it a try. It is free and open-source.

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Steve this is great!

I'm having some trouble updating multiple records in a related table based on a select box that allows multiple select. Can you point me in the right direction?

Also, is it intended to write 3 separate calls to the saveRecord method if I have to create/update records in 3 separate related tables? Thanks!
# Posted By donzacharias | 6/15/06 10:43 PM

I haven't made it into a presentation yet, but take a look at the Save Table Relationship Data blog entry. It covers how to do that with DataMgr.
# Posted By | 6/20/06 10:21 PM
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