My First Submission

I have been a fan of for a long time and I have used countless UDFs from that site. Today, I posted my first submission - XmlHumanReadable.

We'll see if the submission get accepted, but I am pretty excited by it. It takes an XML Document (or string) and returns the XML in a format that is easy to read (properly indented so that it is easy to follow). This can be useful if you need to examine the contents of a WDDX packet or other XML string.

An Example of XmlHumanReadable in Action.


XmlHumanReadable is now available on

Download XmlHumanReadable.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Just a word of warning, I'm a bit behind on submissions, so it may be a little while until it is published.
# Posted By Raymond Camden | 2/16/06 3:42 PM
No hurry, Ray. I know you are busy.
# Posted By | 2/17/06 1:56 PM
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