DataMgr and Logical Deletes

I have to start with a confession. In at least one area, DataMgr may have made my life worse.

In general, a record can be deleted in one of two ways. The record can be deleted from the table (a hard delete) or it can simply be marked as deleted (a logical delete). With a hard delete, you don't have to make sure that the record doesn't show up in any queries, but you also can't easily get it back. With a logical delete, you can get the record back, but you have to make sure not to retrieve it in any query.

Jennifer Livit once made an impassioned argument against hard deletes. Her point about the dangers of a hard delete are valuable. In fact, I relied on logical deletes for some time. Until, that is, I created DataMgr.

DataMgr has a method called deleteRecord, which (and this may not surprise you) deletes a record. Now, since DataMgr is limited in its knowledge of how you use the database table (it knows basically what the database knows), it does a hard delete.

OK. No problem. Just because I use DataMgr and it has a deleteRecord method, doesn't mean I have to use it. I can still do a logical delete in my component and make sure to tell each call to getRecords() for that table not to retrieve deleted records. The thing is, that isn't what happened. Using deleteRecord was so easy.

So, with DataMgr 2.0, I am correcting a mistake. DataMgr 2 will now support logical deletes. In order to use logical deletes, however, you must use loadXML to tell DataMgr which column you want to use to indicate the deletion. It will set that field appropriately upon deletion and it will also keep from retrieving records with getRecords that are marked as having been deleted.

This is done by way of the new "Special" attribute for a field. DataMgr can use boolean fields or data fields to indicate a deletion. With a boolean field, DataMgr will treat a value of true as a deletion. With a date field, DataMgr will treat any non-NULL value as a deletion.

Here is the XML for a table with a boolean deletion field:

    <table name="Examples">
        <field ColumnName="SampleID" CF_DataType="CF_SQL_INTEGER" PrimaryKey="true" Increment="true" />
        <field ColumnName="SampleName" CF_DataType="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" Length="50" />
        <field ColumnName="SampleDescription" CF_DataType="CF_SQL_LONGVARCHAR" />
        <field ColumnName="isDeleted" CF_DataType="CF_SQL_BIT" Special="DeletionMark" />

Here is the XML for a table with a date deletion field:

    <table name="Examples">
        <field ColumnName="SampleID" CF_DataType="CF_SQL_INTEGER" PrimaryKey="true" Increment="true" />
        <field ColumnName="SampleName" CF_DataType="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" Length="50" />
        <field ColumnName="SampleDescription" CF_DataType="CF_SQL_LONGVARCHAR" />
        <field ColumnName="DateDeleted" CF_DataType="CF_SQL_BIT" Special="DeletionMark" />

In either case, the names of the fields do not matter, only the special attribute. If the field is not CF_SQL_BIT or CF_SQL_DATE, however, DataMgr will ignore the Special="DeletionMark".

Use loadXml to pass this XML into DataMgr. You can see the CFC docs for syntax or review the "Synchronizing Database Structure" presentation for more on using loadXml.

DataMgr 2 is still in beta, but I am using it on production site, so feel free to download it and try it out. It is free for any use.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
This seems like an awful lot of explanation, for describing a boolean value. What's wrong with having a column in the database for "bitActive". Logical delete would just set this to value to FAlSE. I don't actually use your software. So excuse me if I don't understand why it matters if a date is involved... but, why does it matter if the deleted record is a date or not?
# Posted By | 11/8/06 7:35 AM
Hmm, I decided to download and try your DataMgr and the sebtools. I have DataMgr and DataMGR_MYSQL installed. But how do I get to the interface, or isn't there one?
# Posted By | 11/8/06 8:24 AM

Regarding the bitActive field, you could do just that. What I am describing here (perhaps ineffectively) is that you could have DataMgr handle that for you and just call deleteRecord("tablename",data) (where data is a struct describing the record to delete) and if you had defined bitActive as being Special="DeletionMark", then DataMgr would handle that for you.

DataMgr has no interface. It is just a component to simplify database interactions. You can get an overview at my presentations page and you can also take a look at the code in CodeCop for an example of it in use.

I reread this entry and I can see that it isn't a good entry for those not already somewhat familiar with DataMgr. Part of the point of the blog, though, is to make me a better writer. I will keep trying to make things more clear.

Essentially DataMgr is to simplify database interactions. It serves much the same purpose as ORM projects such as Reactor and Transfer, but takes a slightly different approach (more of a relational approach versus a pure OO approach).
# Posted By | 11/8/06 8:01 PM
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