Need Oracle Hosting

Now that I have the DataMgr 2.0 Beta fairly stable, I would like to expand database support. The first new database I want to add is Oracle.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to any hosting with Oracle. Not having much experience with Oracle (I only used it once on a small project years ago), I don't know if testing on the free Oracle Database 10g Express Edition would be sufficient to establish Oracle support. 

Does anyone know if that would work or does anyone have the ability to give me temporary access to ColdFusion development on an Oracle database?

While I am on the topic, I would also love to add support for other databases as well if I could get access to run some ColdFusion code against the database (Informix, Sybase, DB2, etc).

So if you think you could get me temporary development access to Oracle or another database that I don't yet support, let me know. You can either comment on this blog, contact me via my site, or email me (steve at my domain name).

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The Oracle Database 10g Express Edition and the DB2-Express products are all you need to test Coldfusion integration issues.
# Posted By anon | 10/23/06 7:48 PM
Thanks! I will try to download Oracle Database 10g Express this week.
# Posted By | 10/24/06 1:16 PM
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