My New Quarter's Resolution
After listening to ColdFusion Weekly , I got motivated to do the whole "New Year's Resolution" thing. A think a year is a bit too long for me. I need shorter intervals to stay motivated (keep from procrastinating), so a figured three months is good.
So, here is:
- Finish DataMgr 2.0
- Make at least 2 blog entries per week
- Make at least one basic Flex application
- Start Unit Testing
- Finish my first version of my "Demo Application"
- Play with Apollo
DataMgr 2.0 is actually coming along nicely. The second beta is nearly ready for release. It doesn't have many new features over the first beta, but it is becoming more stable. I will be giving a presentation on DataMgr to my local users group next week and to the Nashville CFUG in February.
I was going to say "blog more frequently", but management studies have concluded that specificity of goals is a major determining factor in performance. I would love to set my goal higher, but I think I will try to work up gradually.
I also have a few more open source applications that I am planning, but I don't want to overfill my plate for this quarter, so those will have to wait until the second quarter of the year.
If I can get keep to this modest list this quarter, I will be pretty happy.