Dreamweaver Extensions for ColdFusion Frameworks

If you are using any of the three major ColdFusion frameworks (Model-Glue, Mach-II, Fusebox), Massimo Foti has put together a Dreamweaver extension to make your life easier.

As I am not currently using any of the major frameworks (I am a recovering Fuebox addict), I haven't tried the extensions. Massimo has been responsible for plenty of other good work, however, so I am confident that these won't dissapoint.

You can find them on the Dreamweaver Extensions portion of his site, or use the following URLs for direct access to the extension of your choice.


As I said, Massimo has done plenty of good work. If you go to his site, I recommend that you take the time to peruse his other free ColdFusion offerings as well (be sure to read the license first though).

In Defense of FLiP

In a previous blog entry, I criticized the Fusebox framework for some of its slight imperfections. So this may seem like a slight reversal. I still maintain that while Fusebox is a great framework, it isn't the choice for me. FLiP (Fusebox Lifecycle Process - the methodology associated with Fusebox and Mach-ii), on the other hand, is another matter.


Fusebox Criticism

In his most recent blog entry, Hal Helms mentioned that Fusebox needs critics. Since I am a defector from Fusebox but feel a debt to that community, I will do my best to fill the role.


BlogCFC was created by Raymond Camden. This blog is running version 5.8.001.