CF_BlogPicks March 31, 2008

Sorry for the delay in getting this out today - waiting on MXNA. An entry by Andrew Powell kicked off such a good series of blogs, that I have decided to highlight the entire collection as a bonus set for this week.


Page Controllers: One Year Later

Just over a year ago, I started using Page Controllers. I blogged about the experience in the first weeks, but since then have let the topic slide. After a year of using them, it seems like a good time to report on my opinion with the benefit of experience.


CF_BlogPicks March 24, 2008

Although some discussions are still going about the open sourcing of Blue Dragon this week, the focus is shifting more to what we want to have in ColdFusion 9.


CF_BlogPicks March 17, 2008

The big news this week is New Atlanta's announcement to release an open source version of BlueDragon. We also had plenty of good entries about Application.cfc.


Query of Queries Select NULL Error

I love Query of Queries. It frequently saves me a lot of time and trouble. Yesterday, however, I ran into a bug in the feature that caused a bit of heartache.


Copy a Directory Using CFZIP

I needed to copy a directory and all of files within it today. My first thought was that I should be able to do this in cfdirectory, but no luck there. I then hoped I could cheat and use cffile to copy a directory as though it were a file, but no luck there either. I knew that I could write some recursive code to copy the cirectory and all of its contents, but I felt there should be an easier way.


CF_BlogPicks March 10, 2008

The big news this week is ColdFusion 8 winning a Jolt award and IE8 rendering rules.


CF_BlogPicks March 1, 2008

No doubt about it, the release of Flex 3 and especially of Adobe AIR 1.0 dominated the news this week. As such, I have a bonus 5 posts about AIR in addition to my five normal picks (with no AIR).


CF_BlogPicks February 25, 2008

This week was a little easier to pick than others. Though the week had plenty of great entries (and a few on new quirks in cfquery that I was really sad to leave out), the following five are really entries that every CF developer should read.


CF_BlogPicks February 18, 2008

In the discussions this week, Grails and SimpleDB. I have also seen lots of entries on SVN and ANT lately. All of them good, but they often get beat out by other entries. I will have to find a way to give them the focus they deserve.


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