Add SpamFilter.cfc to BlogCFC

BlogCFC does a good job of preventing spam, but I sometimes get comment spam that I think SpamFilter.cfc could prevent. I decided to see how easily I could implement it on BlogCFC.

It turns out that it is pretty easy. I had to add a few lines to Application.cfm and addcomment.cfm. The drawback here is that I will have to repeat this process when I upgrade BlogCFC, but it is pretty painless.


CF_BlogPicks May 12, 2008

Another week where great posts had to be sacrificed to get down to the limit of five entries. As a bonus, however, a selection of posts about cf.Objective() including some passionate discussions about the future of ColdFusion. See why you don't want to miss cf.Objective() next year!


CF.Objective 2008 Wrap Up

CF.Objective was great again this year. I learned a lot and met a lot of great people. I learned so much when I went last year that I didn't think I could possibly learn as much this year, but I think I even learned more. The classes were great, but the casual conversations were at least as good.

So many people helped me and I want to give them all a shout-out here. I actually wrote a draft of this entry including that, but it looked like the worst kind of name-dropping.

So I will just say a general thank you for all of the people who took the time to give me advice, show me cool projects, and question my processes. Even if I didn't seem affected at the time, it has all had an impact and I feel like I learned a lot from everyone.

I actually had to skip the last two classes of the conference because I felt like my brain was full and I couldn't learn any more.

It is really exciting to think about all of the ways that I can take advantage of everything that I learned this conference.

I am excited take advantage of everything I learned at this conference and I hope to keep in better touch with the people I talked to at this conference than I did last time. If you talked to me at the conference, I would love to keep in touch, so don't hesitate to drop me a line.

P.S. - Ben Nadel has the best entry to capture the feeling of being at Cf.Objective. I couldn't have said it half as well!

CF_BlogPicks May 5, 2008

CF.Objective made me a little late on this entry, but it was well worth (more on that later). Even with CF.Objective, this week saw a great selection of essential blog reading.


CF_BlogPicks April 28, 2008

MXNA (my source of blog entries) was down most of week, but the week still saw a selection of great blog entries and some significant OS releases.


CF_BlogPicks April 21, 2008

This week saw the launch of FlexCF and several great postings about unit testing and Test Driven Development.


CF_BlogPicks April 14, 2008

This week saw the release of Google AppEngine, a great discussion about getters and setters, and a brief flare-up about the openness of the ColdFusion community.


A Handful of Code

In my last post about page controllers, Jason Holden asked on which pages I use page controllers. This is a great question and speaks to a larger issue of code organization that applies to CSS and JavaScript as well.


CF_BlogPicks April 7, 2008

This week saw the release of ColdFusion 8 Updater 1 and a handful of April Fools Jokes (as well as the usual assortment of great blog entries).


MWM Seeks CFObjective Roommate

OK. I admit it, I am both cheap and a procrastinator. I need to reserve a room today for CFObjective, but I am not keen on spending $120 per night on a room.

I am from Oklahoma, so that seems like a high price to me. If anyone wants a roommate, let me know. If I don't here from anyone in a few hours then I will just suck it up and reserve a room myself.

I look forward to seeing everyone there!


Procrastination pays! I have a roommate now.

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BlogCFC was created by Raymond Camden. This blog is running version 5.8.001.