CF_BlogPicks August 25, 2008

No major news this week, but a varied selection of great blog entries of use to any CF developer.


CF_BlogPicks August 18, 2008

Another week of great entries - very hard to whittle it down to five this week.


SQLi Results: No Errors

It has been interesting to see the results of the recent series of SQL injection attacks. I have been using <cfqueryparam> for all dynamic data for years, so I wasn't worried about the SQL injection. Still, even for sites with <cfqueryparam>, error email messages remain a problem.

Although I have gotten some errors from some sites, none from my newer sites. The reason is that earlier steps I have taken prevent errors from invalid URL variables.


CF_BlogPicks August 11, 2008

This week saw more news about SQL Injection attacks as well as some discussion about making sure you can get work in the future.


CF_BlogPicks August 4, 2008

More great posts this week, of course. Don't forget to read all of the comments!


CF_BlogPicks July 28, 2008

This week <cfqueryparam> dominated the discussion due to SQL injection attacks that targeted ColdFusion sites. Sites using <cfqueryparam> were safe, others not so. If you haven't taken the time to get to know <cfqueryparam>, now is the time.

A lot of great entries were written on <cfqueryparam> this week, so I chose a few of the ones I thought to be most helpful.


CF_BlogPicks July 21, 2008

This week has had a tone of great entries, it was really hard to whittle them down to five. The big take-aways from the week: Use unit testing and cfqueryparam.


Why I Don't Do OO

This is an entry that I have been intending to write for some time. I keep putting it off. Perhaps because I don't think I will explain myself well, perhaps because I don't want to be flame-bait.

T.J. Downes recent entry "Why Aren't More CF Developers Using OO Methodologies and Frameworks?" made me decide that now is the time.

He asked those of don't use OO to explain why, so I will do my best to explain why I don't.


CF_BlogPicks July 14, 2008

This week CAPTCHA is broken, RIAdventure is announced and other great entries.


CF_BlogPicks July 7, 2008

This week has some really good blog entries on basics of ColdFusion with which we should all be familiar.

I also got my new MP3 player this weekend and listened to the first episode of CFConversations. I think they are off to a great start!


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BlogCFC was created by Raymond Camden. This blog is running version 5.8.001.